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Contact Monument

1400 13th Ave. SW
Quincy, WA 98848
Phone: 509.787.9826
Fax: 509.787.8974


Office Hours:
7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


Photo of Monument staff and students at FCAD

Principal: Philip Averill

Office Manager:
Vanessa Ibarra
Parent Liaison:
Amayrany Zepeda
Attendance Secretary
Alejandra Ramos

Molly Carlson
School Hours:
Monday: 10:15am-3pm
Tuesday-Friday: 8:15am-3pm

Monument Certificated Elementary Staff

Transitional Kindergarten:

Sara Hausken


Maria Gonzalez, Alysha Donovan, Kyla Schaapman

1st Grade:

Laurie Norton, Gabriella Sorto

2nd Grade:

Jasmine Dellinger, Heather MacDonald

3rd Grade:

Deisi Alvarez, Berta Torres

4th Grade:

Ashlee Cedergreen, Alissa Compton

5th Grade:

Bradly Jones, Amber Plotke


Alan Rasmussen


Carol Cooke


Ixamar Aguilar


Dianne Stewart


Pauline Baughman


Carol Golay

Sp. Education

Christine Lee Amadio


Imelda Hernandez



Leticia Baughman

Dean of Students   Rumalda Hernandez


Monument Classified Staff


Guadalupe Castillo



Tara Addink

Sp.Ed. 1:1

Vanessa Sorto

SavannahRose Hernandez







LAP/Title 1

Jenevith Ramirez



Traicy De La Rosa


  Jaimie Garcia



Jennifer Rodriguez



Lannette Melburn

    Nancy Flores
    Maria Silvas


More Monument Information

Teaching the Whole Child

Perseverance is the key to building grit. There is no doubt that kids who develop it will lead happier and more productive lives than those who don’t. Listed below are few “grit builders” with corresponding “grit stealers.”

Teaching perseverance isn’t complicated. It requires a willingness to allow kids to experience healthy challenges as they grow. It also requires that we let them see that they have what it takes to cope with life’s challenges.

Social and Emotional Skills Form the Foundation of Success in Life

Social and emotional skills form the foundation of success in life. Why such a bold statement? Think about it—how important is self-control, patience, perseverance, decision-making, and the ability to resolve conflicts peacefully? How crucial is the ability to manage anxiety, anger, discouragement, and other uncomfortable emotions? How essential are the skills required to make and keep friends? Is learning how to empathize important?

All of us learn most of these very important skills through what we call the “Three Es” of Love and Logic—Example, Experience, and Empathy.

Modeling is one of the most powerful tools for teaching social and emotional coping skills. A powerful form of modeling takes place when our kids overhear us talking about our values. Young people are almost always more interested in what they overhear than what we provide in the form of a lecture. Kids can learn great lessons about coping with tough emotions, temptations, and conflicts by overhearing us verbalize positive self-talk.

Mistakes are priceless learning opportunities. When we err and experience not-so-pleasant results, we learn the importance of making better choices in the future. Learning self-control, empathy for others, decision-making, and other valuable social and emotional skills requires some humbling experiences and plenty of encouraging ones also.

Great parents and educators provide emotional support while allowing kids to blow it when the price tag is small. Few things build a greater sense of optimism and confidence than experiencing setbacks and overcoming them.

Empathy teaches empathy. When children see us using it with others, and experience it directly from us, they are far more likely to pass it on. Social and emotional success requires that children learn how to demonstrate empathy toward others as well as toward themselves.

For more tips on teaching social and emotional skills at home and at school, join me at one of my one-day conferences near you. If you’re a parent, read Parenting for Success. If you’re an educator, take a look at our newly revised classic, Teaching with Love and Logic.


PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies)

Our behavior expectations at Monument are found in every classroom and throughout the building. Students are taught the expectations at the beginning of the year by their teachers and again throughout the year. By teaching the expectations and reminding them every day of the commitment we all have to those expectations, students experience success each day. We reinforce students for their positive choices by verbally commending them, giving them Monument Money which can be redeemed for extra privileges, and the Student of the Month positive recognition assemblies held every month. Our teachers, staff, and parents work together for our fabulous students.
Monument PBIS Team

Three Personal Standards

All Behavior is Chosen to Align with these Three Personal Standards
1. Be Respectful
2. Make Good Decisions
3. Solve Problems


Academic Progress and Expectations

The state under the direction of the federal government is changing the evaluation system of educators and also requiring action when a school is underperforming.  Lists have been published by the state that identify schools that are struggling based on the MSP.  Monument is on one of those lists along with most of the schools in our district.  We have a district plan to help our students succeed that we are currently implementing. 

Part of the plan speaks to parent involvement.  We know that together as a team, we can help each student succeed.  Many parents have asked me how they can help.  This year our students will took the MSP.   There are some things that you can do as parents that will help our students not only do better on this test, but will help them do better in school. 

Here is a brief list:

  • Make sure your child reads for 30 minutes every night at home (English or Spanish)
  • Make sure your child knows all their math facts (multiplication and division are extremely important) 15-25 minutes a night should be spent with flash cards if students have not passed off these facts.
  • Communicate with the school if you have questions or ideas about how to support your child.

If we have the top two things happen in every home, every night, our students will have far better chances at succeeding.  A good measure of whether your student is reading and comprehending would be their AR goal.  Have they met their AR goal every quarter?  If they have not met their AR goal, we need to make a plan to help them with their reading.  For math, taking your students through flash cards and math help websites can give you valuable data on how they are doing.  Let us know how we can support you!  We can do this together


Standard Reporting

As those of you who have been in the district for some time are aware, our Kindergarten through fifth grade has been doing standards based grading for a few years.  The following criteria is used to measure student learning:  

4: Above grade level in that skill or performance area

3: At grade level in that skill or performance area

2: Working toward grade level in that skill or performance area

1: Significantly below grade level in that skill or performance area

By aligning our report cards to the state standards, we are able to give parents more specific information about strengths and weaknesses with this type of report card.  A student that may have received an A in the past might move forward thinking everything is fine, while in one specific area they have struggled.  A standard’s based report card breaks down their level in these specific areas to assist our efforts in helping every student get to the next level.

Letter grading in the past could have signified a number of varying things for our students.  Students receiving failing grades could have mastered the skills, but had poor homework turn in rates.  Other students who were well below level could have received a “B” because they tried hard and were good in class.  Interestingly, in schools across the state that use letter grades, students that are passing standardized tests are failing classes.  The A, B, C, D, F grading system fails when it comes to matching up with state standards.